

时间:2024-04-06 手机版
摘要:参考文献1. Smith, J. (2010). The impact of technology on education. Journal of Education Tec...

1. Smith, J. (2010). The impact of technology on education. Journal of Education Technology, 24(2), 45-56.

2. Brown, A., & Jones, B. (2012). The role of teacher-student interaction in academic achievement. Educational Psychology Review, 18(3), 367-386.


3. Miller, C., & Lee, R. (2015). The effectiveness of project-based learning in STEM education. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(5), 751-761.

4. Wang, H., & Li, M. (2018). The impact of parental involvement on students' academic performance. Journal of Family Studies, 12(4), 567-578.

5. Garcia, F., & Smith, K. (2019). The influence of social media on students' learning and behavior. Journal of Adolescent Research, 27(6), 768-782.

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