

时间:2024-02-20 手机版

behior and prey sharing by killer whales at crozet archipelago: strategies for feeding on negatively-buoyant prey. Marine Mammal Science,

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ADJ If you are in a buoyant mood, you feel cheerful and behe in a lively way. 快活的例:You will feel more buoyant and optimistic about the

必应词典为您提供buoyant的释义,美['bujənt],英['bɔɪənt],adj. 看涨的;保持高价的;繁荣的;愉快而充满信心的; 网络释义: 有浮力的;快乐的;轻快

Buoyant 另一个词: cheerful, happy, bright, lively, sunny | 柯林斯 英语词库 buoyant,ardent,airy,fervent,zealous,elated,ebullient,spa

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