

时间:2024-02-21 手机版


必应词典为您提供compensate的释义,美['kɑmpən.seɪt],英['kɒmpənseɪt],v. 补偿;弥补;给(某人)赔偿(赔款); 网络释义: 抵消;抵偿;代偿;

佳答案: 一、侧重不同 1、compensate:表示“赔偿”,意思广泛,可以指补偿损失、酬报劳役、弥补缺陷等。 2、offset:表示“弥补”,强调在善与恶、与失、赢与

V-T To compensate someone for money or things that they he lost, means to pay them money or give them something to replace those things. 补偿 (损

2. compensate : [com-=together一起;pens=to weigh称;-ate v.=to make使……→“to make one thing weighed together with another so as to make a bal

compensate 生词本词频:0国际音标[ ˈkɒmpenseɪt ]美式音标[ ˈkɑ:mpenseɪt ]单词compensate词词缀分解: 词根pens: weight,expend,

Compensate 另一个词: recompense, repay, refund, reimburse, indemnify | 柯林斯 英语词库

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