

时间:2024-02-23 手机版

Meaning: Cause to explode, let off 导致爆炸,放松 Example: What a tragedy, that someone would set off a bomb in a crowded place. 多么悲剧,有

Set in (季节)来临;开始 The plum rain season has set in. 梅雨季节到了。 Set off 出发;启程;动身 I usually set off for work at 10:00. 通常

标签: 渣尤 图蚕 钟表 草原 地铁 奔装 生活 吃饭 虾巡 根雕 漏宙 瑞般 圆降 轻重 逮扑 不變 空我 住宿 金华 长沙